Przy tworzeniu i realizacji nowatorskiej koncepcji serwisu Myopia Care współpracowali Pascal Blaser i Nick Dash. Opracowując serwis myopia care, autorzy stworzyli mechanizm pozwalający ograniczyć skutki tak zwanej epidemii krótkowzroczności.
Większość specjalistów zajmujących się ochroną wzroku obserwuje co roku ciągły wzrost częstości występowania krótkowzroczności, nie poszukując metod, które mogłyby spowolnić ten proces.
Współczesne badania naukowe dostarczają specjalistom wiedzy o metodach, które pozwalają spowolnić rozwój krótkowzroczności, a naszym obowiązkiem jest wzięcie ich pod uwagę w ramach opieki nad pacjentem.
Naszą misją jest przełamanie barier, które ograniczają stosowanie strategii kontroli krótkowzroczności. Zdaniem autorów, osiągnięcie tego celu wymaga spójnych i jednoznacznych komunikatów, zarówno dla pacjentów jak i specjalistów. Na każdym etapie proces ten powinien być wspierany przez badania naukowe i edukację.
Serwis pozwala na stworzenie ścieżki, która pozwoli skierować rodziców i dzieci do odpowiednio wykwalifikowanych specjalistów. Umożliwia też prezentację zweryfikowanych naukowo metod, które pozwalają skutecznie kontrolować krótkowzroczność i publikację porad dla specjalistów.
M.Sc. of Vision Science and Business (Optometry)
Specialist optometrist and new media geek
Pascal Blaser is a contact lens specialist Optometrist with 10 years experience in the contact lens industry. He has developed various designs for contact lenses to improve the visual quality from wearers.
He is currently working in the management of an independent custom made contact lens manufacturer in Switzerland. Pascal Blaser has presented lectures about contact lenses in Europe and the Middle East to improve the skills of eye care specialists. Additionally, he is hosting several websites in different sectors.
This passion for eye care and new media platforms gave him the idea to create a simple and useful tool to help the affected patient and support the specialist in their daily practice.
BSc (Hons), MSc, FCOptom, PDipM.
Developing the future
Dr. Thomas Aller, OD, FBCLA graduated from UC Berkeley School of Optometry and for 27 years he has been researching the use of bifocal contacts for the control of myopia. After receiving the world’s earliest patent for a method of myopia progression control, he spent ten very enjoyable years collaborating with Brien Holden and the Vision CRC on their anti-myopia program.
Dr. Aller is currently conducting clinical trials on myopia management with an EDOF multifocal contact lens, as well as an anti-hyperopia multifocal lens design. He is also serving as a scientific and clinical advisor to TreeHouse Eyes. In 2016 he launched Myappia, a myopia progression control progression app. Dr. Aller is also the editor of Dr. Aller is a Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley and was also an Adjunct Professor at University of Houston and serves as a consultant and advisor to several companies working on myopia control contacts, spectacles and pharmaceuticals.
Dr. Aller is also participating in the International Myopia Institute, dedicated to developing an authoritative consensus report on the myopia epidemic, its consequences and the recommended treatment approaches. Dr. Aller is the proud recipient of the 2018 Award of Excellence from the Global Specialty Lens Symposium.
Optometrist UNSW, FIAOMC
Dr Oliver Woo (Orthokeratologist, Myopia Management Consultant) Graduated from School of Optometry, University of New South Wales, Australia in 1994 and established an independent Optometrist practice in Sydney, Australia since 1997.
His special interest are paediatric optometry, myopia prevention and control contact lens fitting with Orthokeratology and specialty contact lenses. Oliver Woo opened an Orthokeratology and Myopic Control Clinic in 2010. He become first Australian fellow of International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopic Control (FIAOMC) and mentor in 2007 where he actively participate in the continuing education conference of the IAOA (International Academy of Orthokeratology Asian Section) as an instructor and mentor for FIAOMC of Chinese ophthalmologists. Since 2014 he is at Board of Director and Senior Member Examination coordinator and Examiner of Oceania Society of Orthokeratology (Australia and New Zealand). He is also since 2017 in the FIAO Executive Committee.
Oliver Woo helping South East Asia countries optometrist associations in developing and organising Myopic Management programme and conferences and he lead the ub-Committee for Orthokeratology and Myopia Management of Asia Optometric Congress (AOC) and AOC Academy 2019
In the last years he actively participate in many local and international optometry and ophthalmology conferences and as lecturers, mentors and coaches (over 60 international presentations).
Watch his interview on ABC News on youtube.
Optometrist FIACLE, FBCLA
Giancarlo Montani is Professor of Clinical Contact Lens Application at the University of Salento, Italy. Involved in Optometry education since 1988, he has been Department Head of the Contact Lens Division at the Santa Chiara University Medical Centre in Pisa, Italy until 2004. In 2007 Professor Giancarlo Montani has co-founded the Centre for contact lens research of the University of Salento.
Giancarlo Montani also works in private practice. He has published numerous articles in optometric journals and has been invited as a lecturer to several national and international Optometry Congresses.
BScHons(Optom) MCOptom ,Dip SVA.
Nick Dash is an Independent Clinical Optometrist with 30 years of varied experience and interest in a range of world-leading technologies to improve Global Eye Care.
He is currently honorary lecturer at University of Wales, Cardiff whilst continuing his commercial interests and running educational events such as SkiCPD. Nick has lectured throughout the world from Harvard Medical School in the USA, to being invited 3 times by the Hong Kong Government to be Key Note Speaker on three separate occasions.
Many of his peers regard Nick to be a Key Opinion Leader in Optometry, evident when asked to give a presentation at the BCLA “Visionaries Meeting’ at the Royal College of Physicians, London in 2015.